Attributes of
Name | 010011111 | |
Unicode | ■□■■□□□□□ | |
Nickname | BBG175 | |
NFT link | Arweave | |
Token ID | 174 | |
Decimal | 159 | |
Octal | 237 | |
Hexadecimal | 9f | |
Base5 | 00159 | |
Number of pixels | 9 | |
Size | 3x3 | |
Rarity | 1/512 | |
Number of black | 3 | |
Black dominance | 33.333% | |
Number of white | 6 | |
White dominance | 66.667% | |
Ratio of Black and White | 0.5 | |
Consecutive blacks | 2 | |
Consecutive whites | 5 | |
Consecutive BW ratio | 0.400 | |
Rarity of consecutive blacks | 0.587% | |
Rarity of consecutive white | 6.067% | |
Absolute difference | 3 | |
Alternation frequency | 3 | |
Balance Index | 66.66% | |
Symmetry Index | 33.33% | |
Palindrom | no | |